My Coaching Notes: Coaching Process

The coaching process unfolds through seven key domains: identifying the ideal vision, understanding the PEA, cultivating mindfulness, hope, and empathy, invoking PEA, fostering a quality relationship, embracing the coaching culture, and recognizing coachable moments. By focusing on these areas, you can build a long-lasting and mutually beneficial coaching relationship. The book “Helping People Change” offered so many great insights, it’s definitely worth reading! Here is my notes to future myself.

S.P.I.C.E of Causal Inference

The SUTVA, Positivity, Identifiability, Consistency, Exchangeability of Causal Inference, the essential ingredients that helps us bring out the true flavor of the causal model. Here is my understanding of each assumptions (main course) with examples (side dish) and accompanied by simulation (paired with beverages). Bon Appétit!

My Simple Understanding of Total Effect = Direct Effect + Indirect Effect (via Mediator)

I’ve struggled with differentiating between total, direct, and indirect effects, so this blog/note serves as a personal reference to solidify my understanding and make future amendments as needed. While there are comprehensive articles available, this is a simplified explanation for myself and potentially others

My Coaching Notes: Effective Coaching

Effective coaching is essential for bringing the coachee’s potential to the surface. I found the 1-2-3-4 combination method to be helpful and have created a framework for myself to fall back on should I deviate from coaching questions. I plan to practice this framework iteratively and deliberately, listening for the trigger to ask a coaching question. Additionally, I found both books, ‘The Coaching Habit’ and ‘Developing Coaching Skills’, to be significantly helpful in crafting and adhering to the best practices of coaching questions.

My Coaching Notes: The Map - Navigating the Coaching Path

This year, I’m dedicated to improving my coaching skills by carefully selecting a few recommended books to guide my development. I plan to thoroughly read, re-read, and take detailed notes to distill their concepts and techniques into an easily accessible format. My goal is to use these insights on a daily basis to refine my coaching abilities iteratively.